
Blog 142 Friday 7th December 2012

 A letter recently arrived from our daughters school. At first I thought it a "normal" school communication. The letter informed us that  the school council has planned a cake sale for today Friday 7th December. Our  daughter `Hope' 10yrs, enjoys making cakes to sell at school for these events, so I read on, the cakes would be sold for 20p each. The money raised would be divided between two charities Macmillan Nurses and Wish Upon a Star  

Why these two charities ? .........both  were involved with Ronaldas Janovic 9 years, who died of cancer in October. Ronaldas was a pupil in our daughters school. Hope made her cakes last night taking a lot of pride in what she was doing and carefully carried them to school this morning................

Macmillan Nurses, for many people affected by cancer, are a valued and trusted source of expert information, advice and support - free of charge. As of December 2011, there were 3,707 Macmillan nurse posts across the UK, both in hospitals and in the community.

Wish Upon a Star aim is to simply make magical memories for a Wish child and their family to remember for a lifetime. By granting a Wish, this enables the family to have a truly amazing time forgetting about hospital routines, doctor's appointments and the gruelling treatments that have become a daily occurrence and allowing the whole family to smile, laugh and enjoy life!

Unfortunately you will not get to try one of these scrumptious cakes (nor did I) but you can donate to the charities by clicking on the links above

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