
Blog 143 Tuesday 25th December 2012

Taken from last years blog, sorry, Ive been a bit lazy with the blog lately. I am however, optimistic that 2013 will be a great year. Happy New Year to all ..........................

Please pass on the message to all your network of family and friends as a new years resolution to checkout the Bowel Cancer UK website

A good article in the "Mail on Sunday" review newspaper this week, entitled "The Chemo-Proof Christmas Dinner" by Jim Fisher. Jim is a former MasterChef semi finalist and highlights the problems of eating for cancer patients........... for thousands of of us cancer patients, suffering the effects of chemotherapy, the thoughts of the Christmas Dinner, Christmas pud, mince pies and other "Goodies" can be quite daunting, Lifesaving chemotherapy can trigger debilitating severe side effects such as nausea, reflux, and mouth ulcers, also oral mucosities which causes an inflammation of the inside of the mouth making eating very painful. Chemotherapy drugs also wreck taste buds, all this occurs due to the strain placed on the immune system during Chemotherapy. Jim Fisher's late mother, Sylvia, suffered a rare form of cancer and Jim realised, as a chef, he could do something about some of the side effects suffered by his mother.

In my case, I had regularly suffered  the pain associated with reflux, and often feel quite nausea's, I had  mouth ulcers and found it difficult sometimes to swallow cold drinks, due to a feeling that my throat was inflamed. Food often tastes metallic to me and I had lost my appetite for the hot curry's I used to soooooo enjoy. Thoughts of weight loss were replaced with my weight steadily increasing to the heaviest I have ever been, I believe due to the steroids that I am prescribed.

Jim Fisher now runs a cooking school in France, and has researched foods for their comforting and healing properties. Jim says " Food is more than about having something to eat. It takes you through the bad times. Going through chemo is rotten enough as it is, but it's often especially bad at Christmas.

Jim Fisher has created a festive menu for those especially having chemotherapy " I hope these recipes make it a merrier Christmas for those battling cancer" says Jim..................


Symptoms of Bowel Cancer said...

Hi there, awesome site. I thought the topics you posted on were very interesting. I tried to add your RSS to my feed reader and it a few. take a look at it, hopefully I can add you and follow...

Myra + Iain said...

Hello old chap, Wendy and Hope. Happy New Year to you all.

We have No.1 daughter and no.1 grandson here at the moment, son in law having to work. We will contact you soon re meeting up for a chat, if you are up to it.

All the best to you all,

Myra & Iain