
Blog 113 Wednesday 13th June 2012

I had an appointment at The Corby Diagnostic Centre yesterday. I was seeing the Ear Nose and Throat consultant  regarding the Tinnitus I have previously blogged. I became involved with Tinnitus after the fourth chemotherapy session when Tinnitus suddenly effected me,  I reported this to my Oncologist and he took me  off the Chemo drug Oxaliplatin straight away. It is apparently a very rare side effect of the drug (I've had a few very rare side effects during chemo) I had to go through all the audio tests first before seeing the consultant. After the tests my hearing was reported as "Normal" so why do I continuously tell Wendy to "Turn the TV up"?....................pardon

Having had a thorough examination of my ears, the next stage is to see if anything is causing the problem internally. I was previously warned by the GP that referred me, that I would have an MRI Scan on my head, given the problems I have had with bowel cancer.

The ENT Consultant concluded that I need an MRI scan and this should be through in the next few weeks. Apparently I was treated as a priority case by the consultant that reviewed my referral letter, so hopefully this will continue and I will not have to wait too long for the MRI scan.   

1 comment:

Catherine said...

Hope you get your MRI very soon :)