
Blog 152 Thursday 7th March 2013

Previously I have applauded the work of the researchers. Today I have a piece, courtesy of the Mail on line of a very brave lady.....  Lynne Fisher. Lynne decided to do something drastic about the cancer that had killed her Uncle, Father and Brother. Firstly she had a genetic test for the cancer gene that was killing her family. Lynne discovered to her horror, that she had the genetic fault and an 80% chance of Bowel Cancer.  But controversially, even though Lynne showed no signs of cancer, she agreed, as a preventative step, to have an operation called a sub-total colectomy to remove a large part of her bowel. Ironically Lynne still has a 30% chance of developing Bowel Cancer as the surgeon removed all but a small section of bowel.
Read more:
Researchers are finding new genes all the time that are linked to particular types of cancer. But this is a complicated area of research and it will be some time before we fully understand how inherited gene faults cause particular cancers. There are only a few genes that doctors can test for at the moment.

Nobody should have to suffer the stress of wondering if they may develop cancer in the future because a family member has been diagnosed. It is a complicated process and genetic testing would be for persons with a strong family history of cancer.........

You may have a strong family history if any of these situations apply to you
  • More than 2 close relatives on the same side of your family have had cancer (the same side of your family means either your father’s relatives or your mother’s relatives)
  • They have had the same type of cancer, or different cancers that can be caused by the same gene fault
  • The cancers developed when they were young, below the age of 50
  • One of your relatives has had a gene fault found by genetic tests
Anyone who has previously read my blog will remember that my first wife Janice died last year January 2012 diagnosed  with ovarian cancer. I was going through chemotherapy for Bowel Cancer at this time. In consideration of the above bullet points my three sons with Janice should not be at risk of a faulty gene.


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