
Blog 24 Friday 12th August 2011

Today is the day of my next colonoscopy. Wendy drove me to Kettering General Hospital, as I am not allowed to drive after the procedure. We had a fairly long wait, but once taken through, things tended  to run like clockwork; ie blood pressure, consent form, health forms questionnaire, interview with the Doctor.

Into the hospital gown and away. I was told the Klean-prep solution that I have been drinking makes you de-hydrated, "well yes, having spent the entire previous day running to the toilet,  I am aware of that".. and guess what, the nurse couldn't find a vein in my right hand to insert the cannula but it hurt like hell when they were trying. The Cannula is  for my Pethidine (pain killer) and Sedation.

Anyone reading this blog may remember, I suspect that I have something left in the vein of my left hand, following the cannula inserted last time. The inflammation is still there as well as the pain, but everyone seems to think it will go down with time,
"I don't think so"..... I am waiting for my ultra sound scan of this hand to verify...

The doctor inserted the cannula in my right arm further up and yep we are away. After the Pethidine and sedation, I almost fell asleep , it is merely a sedation, so I was able to watch everything on the monitor. Unfortunately, once again, I am faced with a Polyp  growing in my bowel, which was hastily removed by the doctor. Thoughts of my previous colonoscopy in Australia, when they found my original bowel cancer, came flooding back. Having had 29 Cm's removed already I can't afford to have much more taken out!!!!!!!

The doctor also removed two biopsy samples from my colon wall, and again, I now need to wait a further Seven days for the results...........

Having not eaten for two days.  Wendy took me straight to the Fish & Chip shop. Hope and I enjoyed Fish & Chips until we could not eat any more!!!!!!!!!

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