
Blog 133 Thursday 18th October 2012

What a week!! I had to go back to the hospital as an absis had formed under one of the incisions and was causing a lot of pain. The ward doctor had to open up the incision, firstly with a large needle and syringe, then with a swab. All the fluid was removed and a sample sent for analysis. because the infection is so bad I have been put on Flucloxacillin x 2 x 500mg x 4 times a day and Phenoxymethyl x 250mg x 4 times day as well as Tylex pain killers. I have been back to the local GP everyday this week for the wounds to be dressed. I haven't been able to sleep very well as my chest and back is still very painful. On my return to hospital I was sent straight back to the High Dependency Unit HDU as that was the only room available for the doctor. To my horror, I recognised the person in the only other bed "Colin". Colin was in the HDU with me after our operations two weeks ago. Colin had the same Op as me and was informed that there was a probability of 90% that the biopsy's taken from his lung were not cancerous. Colin was back in having surgery, on the very day I had returned and having his lung lower lobe removed............ the histology had returned cancerous cells ..............................I felt so sorry for Colin,  as on the ward we had discussed his operation and I felt good for him that all would probably be OK. Keep your chin up Colin Its all been found in good time which is great.!!

I must again make mention of my Medical Insurance "Simply Health" they have been wonderful a special thanks to "Julia" my contact at Simply Health. I have mentioned before how comforting it is to know that medically, everything will be taken care of when your world starts falling apart around you......................It is so nice to have a friendly voice and efficient person arranging everything.         

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And I believe the good Lord hears the ones who cry for help,GOD BLESS...