
Blog 37 Wednesday 21st September 2011 - Chemotherapy Day Two

I did not sleep well at all last night. The tube for the Flourouracil Folfuser is not really long enough, so it ended up under my pillow This picture is showing the Folfusor in place for 48 hours

Folfusor 4800mg in 110ml Sodium Chloride
48hr infuse 2.5ml /hour

This morning I have taken anti sickness Ondansetron and Dexamethasone Steriods (previously explained) still with the niggling headache. I was originally told that I would get pins & needles sensations in hand and feet................ Wow !!! and how; when I touch anything cold. Washing hands in cold water is a big problem and simply picking up a bottle of milk........ Hands suddenly turn freezing and Pins and Needles immediately. Hope has left messages on the basins and fridge "Hot Water Only Daddy" as I have forgotton a few times.

True daddy very true. I even used my letter magnets on the fridge to say hot only daddy! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you are going to begin posting naked chest photos, I will stop following the blog. Myra asks if she could have one 8x6 blow up of the second one.