
Blog 41 Wednesday 28th September 2011

Nurse at Home service today to flush the Porta Cath through this is to be done every week for the first four weeks prior to chemo as the device is newly fitted. I have been given some Anesthetics cream (EMLA) for use one hour prior to any use of the Porta Cath.  EMLA (an abbreviation for Eutectic Mixture of Local Anesthetics).and contains [1]Lidocaine/prilocaine is a mixture of equal quantities (by weight) of lidocaine and prilocaine. It didn't seem to work as I could still feel the needle go through. The Porta Cath was flushed with saline and the nurse tried to draw blood. It also didn't work but she said it was fine as the device had taken the saline ok. I hope I don't get a problem when they come to take the blood tests next week. Busy week next week appointments with Dr Macmillan (Oncologist) in Northampton, Mr El-Rabaa colorectal surgeon in Kettering.  Blood Monday and Chemo Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday...............bring it on....................

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